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Causes, Symptoms & Home Remedies For Diaper Rash

Causes, Symptoms & Home Remedies For Diaper Rash



Diaper dermatitis, which can cause red splodges and scales on the toddler’s bottom and in the genital region, is a common problem for infants and young children. Diaper dermatitis is common because they develop in warm, moist places, in some cases spreading to the child’s legs and stomach. Because of this, a diaper provides the ideal setting for the sore to occur. Thankfully, there are a few home remedies for diaper rash, which we will cover as we go along.

What is Diaper Rash?

Diaper Rash Image

Image Credit – Cleveland Clinic

Diaper rash, which could also be known as diaper dermatitis, nappy dermatitis, or ammonia dermatitis is a typical condition that develops when the soft skin around your baby’s diaper area comes in close contact with pee or feces for an extended time.

Nappy rash can cause the skin of your newborn to become flaky, red, and irritated. It should resolve itself in three or four days with proper treatment, but if the rash does not disappear within two days, or if it becomes more severe, you must contact your baby’s healthcare provider for instructions.

What Causes Diaper Rash?

Even with regular nappy changes, nappy dermatitis is still possible. In this section, we’ll look at some of the causes of this condition and situations in which it can occur.

1. Yeast Infection

A yeast infection that results from an overgrowth of fungi in the digestive tract is a common cause of diaper rash. Your child’s sores could often be brought on by candida, the very same organism that causes oral thrush.

When your baby’s immune system is compromised, the candida fungus can grow quickly, which can result in this form of yeast infection. Additionally, once you or your infant has finished a round of medication or if you have taken medications while nursing, a yeast infection may appear.

Antibiotics destroy both types of bacteria without making a distinction between them.

This could lead to a yeast infection or diarrhea, which can irritate the diaper area.

2. Irritation

The skin beneath the diaper may get irritated by the acid in stool and urine movements. Feces, urine, and cleaning agents can also cause the skin to turn red. This rash looks red where the nappy has scraped, however, it is unusual to have it in the skin folds.

Skin irritation that causes ammonium dermatitis could be a result of the following:

  • Prolonged contact with a baby’s stool or pee.
  • Diarrheal remnants that could make the skin come into contact with loose feces.
  • When a child is teething, they produce more saliva and ingest more saliva, which may have an impact on their stools.
  • A diaper that fits too snugly or restrictive apparel that rubs or chafes.

3. Friction

The friction that occurs when wet diapers rub sensitive baby skin, causing a red, shiny rash on exposed areas, is responsible for most nappy dermatitis.

4. Allergic Reaction

The rashes might be brought on by nappies, baby wipes, laundry detergent, soap, moisturizer, or elastic in plastic trousers. Children with the previous eczema may be more at risk for diaper rashes.

5. Other Causes

Other conditions, such as seborrheic dermatitis, wherein the skin’s pores overproduce oil, might resemble diaper dermatitis somewhat. A hereditary disorder like zinc deficiency-related acrodermatitis enteropathica could be the source of the rash.

Consult your child’s doctor for an assessment and treatment if you think your infant has dermatitis but are unsure of what is causing it.

Diaper Rash Symptoms

Since it appears on skin patches right beneath the diaper, nappy rash is typically simple to identify. The skin is red and irritated and can appear in various locations, or all over the bottom or genital area of your baby. It might or might not affect the creases of the skin.

When To See a Doctor For Diaper Rash?

Consult your healthcare professional if the baby’s skin doesn’t get better after using some at-home cures for a nappy rash for a few days. Diaper dermatitis could be caused by prescription medication or another illness, such as zinc nutritional deficiency. A visit to your doctor is important if you notice:

  • A fever with a rash.
  • A rash that doesn’t go away or becomes worse after being treated at home.
  • An extreme or uncommon rash.
  • A rash that oozes, bleeds, or itches.
  • A rash that hurts or burns whenever your infant urinates or defecates.

How To Prevent Diaper Rash?

Follow these recommendations to stop diaper dermatitis from happening again in the future:

1. Use the Right Diaper Size

A diaper that is too tight, especially at night, can block airflow, and chafing can also cause diaper dermatitis. During the time your baby is recovering from diaper dermatitis, you may want to use a slightly larger diaper.

2. Use a Diaper Cream

It will protect your baby’s delicate skin by forming a moisture barrier. Administer zinc oxide or jelly-containing nappy ointment or lotion that is as thick as cake frosting.

If you prefer organic and natural ingredients in diaper creams, then look for a fragrance-free one. Whenever you’re not sure which diaper cream will be best for your little one, ask your baby’s healthcare provider.

3. Always Keep Baby’s Skin Clean

If your infant has nappy dermatitis, cleaning their skin with fresh water and a gentle cleaner that doesn’t contain soap may be less painful. Ensure that all drug-treated nappy rash is thoroughly dried, then apply a squirt or spray bottle and attempt to avoid scratching the rash. Apply a thick layer of protective gel to the nappy region before placing a new diaper on.

4. Being Gentle

Be just as soft as you can while cleaning the child’s bottom because vigorous rubbing could irritate it. Alcohol-laden baby wipes should be avoided.

5. Giving the Area Some Room To Breathe

Making sure the baby is not wearing diapers or bottoms during the day would aid in the area’s drying out and healing. Infants with diaper rash should also not be placed in bottoms made of rubber, or synthetic materials, or that are too tight. Clothing babies in baggy bottoms made of 100% cotton will enable the air to circulate while keeping them dry.

How Diaper Rash is Diagnosed by Medical Personnel

The diagnosis is usually based on a history and a physical examination of the rash, so laboratory testing is rarely required. Your doctor might recommend skin tests if the symptoms appear to be the result of an allergic response to pinpoint the allergen.

Diaper Rash Prognosis

The nappy rash usually goes away on its own, and children who have completed potty training and no longer wear a diaper will stop having episodes of nappy rash.

The Best 8 Home Remedies for Diaper Rash

The following home remedies for diaper rash can be used by parents to both prevent or treat nappy dermatitis in their babies:

1. Chamomile Tea and Honey

Natural antibacterial honey is particularly effective at reducing inflammation. A tablespoon of beeswax should be added to two glasses of chamomile tea. This treatment is most effective when applied with a spray bottle. Each time you switch your child’s diapers, just spray the rash, giving the skin time to dry in between treatments.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is antibacterial, which makes it a perfect cure for nappy rash. Apply it straight to the rash or put a glassful into their bath. For more severe rashes, this is not recommended, as it may sting.

3. Cornstarch

It is one of the known home remedies for diaper rash. Wet conditions are partly responsible for diaper rash, so it’s important to keep your baby’s bottom as dry as possible. To absorb moisture, cornstarch works wonders. Apply some of that powder to your child’s bottom after changing their nappy carefully, and then put them in a fresh diaper as usual.

4. Do Not Use Baby Wipes

Baby wipes can irritate a diaper rash, so it is best to gently wash the diaper area with fragrance-free soap and water before blotting it dry. When this is not an option, pick fragrance-free, all-natural swabs, which are available in pharmacies or online.

5. Breast Milk

Did you know that breast milk is full of antibodies that can protect against diseases without causing inflammation? It’s a pretty potent medication, but that’s not all; nappy dermatitis can also be treated with breast milk’s regenerating properties.

Apply a small amount of breast milk that has been extracted to the rash. Watch the milk naturally dry before attempting to use it. Once the milk has dried, change your baby’s diaper.

6. Change Diapers Regularly

Parents and other caregivers ought to be significantly more diligent in changing the baby’s diapers on time if they have nappy dermatitis. If a baby has a rash, keeping them in a damp or unclean nappy can make things worse.

7. Oatmeal

You may have heard that oatmeal in baths was used to treat chicken pox, but what about diaper rash? Fill a stocking or the leg of an old pair of leggings with some oats. It is surprisingly calming for the skin; tie a string to keep it in place then add it to the bath.

8. Remove These Foods From Diets

Although introducing new foods is normally beneficial, certain acidic foods, like citrus fruits and tomatoes, can cause urine and feces to become particularly acidic and irritating.

As they introduce these meals to the baby, parents and carers should keep an eye out for the development of fresh dermatitis. If it does, parents should immediately stop feeding the baby acidic foods till the dermatitis has cleared.


Above I explain the causes, symptoms, and home remedies for diaper rash. The first line of defense against diaper rash is to change your baby’s diaper immediately after it is soiled, then use diaper cream to form a protective barrier between the diaper area and the urine or stool, and keep your baby’s skin clean.

Ensure that moisture is drained away from your baby with absorbent diapers, and when possible, let them go without diapers. If none of these steps seem to work, your baby’s healthcare provider can create a personalized treatment plan for you.


Q. How Does Yeast Diaper Rash Appear?

Ans: Nappy rash brought on by a fungal infection may manifest as shiny, bright red spots with distinct edges. Pink bumps or pimples, as well as ulcers and damaged skin which oozes or bleeds, might occasionally emerge. If the rash has extended to your baby’s groin, this is another potential sign of a fungal diaper rash.

Q. How is a Yeast Nappy Rash Treated?

Ans: If your baby’s diaper rash is brought on by a yeast infection, your baby’s doctor can recommend an antifungal cream to help cure the condition.

Q. Why Do Yeast Nappy Rash Occur?

Ans: A yeast infection and the nappy rash is caused by an overgrowth of fungi in the digestive tract. A yeast infection may occur after your baby has been treated with antibiotics.

Q. Does Vaseline Work Well for Ammonia Dermatitis?

Ans: The water-repellent film that it forms on the applied area does not allow the skin to breathe, but it is inexpensive and does provide a good barrier against moisture, which is exactly what you want in a diaper rash cream for a baby.

Q. Do I Need to Apply Diaper Cream After Each Diaper Change?

Ans: Yes. Applying lotion thoroughly as often as possible with every nappy change is an excellent suggestion, especially before night or at every other time whenever prolonged exposure to soiled diapers occurs. You shouldn’t be concerned with using too much ointment.

Q. How Long Does Nappy Dermatitis Take To Recover?

Ans: After using home remedies for diaper rash, it often goes away in 2 to 3 days, however, it can linger for longer.

Q. Does Diaper Rash Hurt and Itch?

Ans: Yes. Therefore, diaper dermatitis can be extremely painful for infants and young children. To prevent it from getting worse, it’s critical to seek treatment right away.

Q. Can Nappy Dermatitis Spread Throughout the Body and Is It Contagious?

Ans: A fungal spores infection may spread from the diaper rash to other areas of the child’s body and even to other individuals, depending on the cause. Hands should be properly cleaned with an antiseptic solution in between changing your infant.

Q. Do Cloth Diapers have Diaper Rash?

Ans: Although reusable cloth diapers are the most eco-friendly option, they can also harbor bacteria. To avoid this, you must wash them thoroughly. You should rinse them several times to avoid a buildup of detergent and germs, and you should also ensure that they are completely dry before using.

Q. Are Diaper Rash and Teething Related?

Ans: There is no direct link between teething and diaper rash, but diarrhea caused by teething may increase your child’s chances of having a diaper rash.


Sylvie Telma

Professional Blogger

Sylvie Telma is a passionate writer with a flair for home décor, furniture, gardening, and practi...

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